Thursday, February 7, 2008

snake or scorpion

if u had to have a snake or scorpion, wich would u choose? I've seen both of them. i saw a black scorpion because my sister walked out the door at our grandpas house and one was right in her way and she went inside and closed the door. then my grandpa came with a dust holder,the thing with the broom, and began to whack it. later on he picked it up and threw it over some place wich had trees but it landed on a rock.....

when i saw a snake i was playing with my cousins and there was a pile of sticks. my cousin, who was 5, wanted one to pretend he had a sword or something. then a brown snake came out and almost bit my cousin. he began to whack it with a stick and part of it broke so then he threw the rest at it and it slithered away


Nico! said...



Peter said...

I would prefer to have a snake because I like how it's tongue is split. And if you hold one of them there skin doesn't but it feels like there bodies are moving. I also like how they slither

sara said...

I would prefer neither. I'm a wimp and I would be scared in both cases. I definitely would not hit a snake with a stick, I would leave.